Request to install unknown source apk

Need to add android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission in manifest.xml before using, and to ensure that the app has Storage permissions.

In the simplest case, you only need to pass the path of the apk file to complete the installation process:

File apkFile = ...;


At this point, if you do not have permission to install an application from an unknown source, the setup page is automatically opened to request the user to open it.

If the developer wants to improve the experience. For example, if there is no permission, a dialog will be played to let the user choose whether to start the setting screen, and according to the user's choice to make a statistic:

File apkFile = ...;

    .rationale(new Rationale<File>() {
        public void showRationale(Context c, File f, RequestExecutor e) {
            // Startup settings: e.execute();
            // Cancel: e.cancel();
    .onGranted(new Action<File>() {
        public void onAction(File data) {
    .onDenied(new Action<File>() {
        public void onAction(File data) {

When showRationale() is called back without the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission, the developer must call RequestExecutor#execute() to initiate the setting or RequestExecutor#cancel() to cancel the startup setting, ortherwise AndPermission will have no response.

When showRationale() is called back it is a good idea to display a Dialog to solicit the user's comments, whether to launch the setup page authorization Install Unknown Source App permissions, call RequestExecutor#execute() or RequestExecutor#cancel() depending on the user's choice`.

When onGranted() is called back, the user agrees to the permission and will immediately enter the installation page, the user clicks on the installation system will automatically install the target Apk into the system; when onDenied() is called back, the user has denied the permission, and will immediately exit the installation page. Developers can do some necessary statistics when these two methods are called.

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